Facilitating Conversationalist:
Dehumo Bickersteth (EdD)
A comprehensive masterclass for all employees, honing the mindset shift needed to realize the value of Continuous Performance Management, fostering self-leadership and a culture of learning within the everyday flow of work
What this Masterclass covers:
Why you don't need performance management - the world before and without performance management
Making performance management work in your team - the case for continuous performance management
Understanding the behavioural implications and enablers of continuous performance management
Practical steps and tips for unleashing the power of continuous performance management in your team
Imagine the beating heart of an organization, pulsating with the rhythm of Continuous Performance Management (CPM). In a world rapidly embracing this paradigm, organizations are pivoting, aiming to cultivate a culture of continuous growth and learning. But the journey to meaningful transformation is often beset with challenges, the biggest being the need for a profound shift in employee mindset and attitude.
In this dance of organizational change, procedural adoption is merely the first step, akin to knowing the dance steps but not the rhythm. For the true magic to happen, for CPM to infuse into the very fabric of the culture, employees need to embrace a clarity of intent and purpose, ownership, and accountability. This transformation is not automatic; it requires an understanding of the cultural impact and the mechanics of goal-setting and review in varied contexts.
But alas, a lack of awareness often hinders this transformation, rendering the procedural adoption of CPM a hollow shell, with little impact on behavior. This is where our workshop steps in, bridging the gap between understanding and action.
Our masterclass is a powerful compass guiding employees on the path of CPM adoption. It dives into the behavioral aspects of CPM, offering practical insights for all employees, individual and non-individual contributors alike. We illuminate the potential of what CPM can do for their career trajectory and job experience when leveraged correctly.
This masterclass is a journey into the heart of CPM, a voyage that explores how to perform actions in a way that realizes the true value of the process. It's more than just a masterclass; it's a catalyst for change, a beacon guiding every employee towards the shores of self-leadership and a culture of learning in the everyday flow of work.